
At the center of the JFCSuite are the JFCDataInput display & editing components.  These JFC-based data input and presentation components fully support the "Pluggable Look & Feel Architecture" of JFC.  Included are Currency, Date Edit, Date Edit Long, Edit Text & Mask Edit, Numeric, Password, Static Text, Time, Button Controls and Spin Buttons.

These components complete the JFCSuite and also provide a single toolkit from which to create the User Interface for any Java application. 

Java Developer's Journal Editor's Choice Award

JFCDataInput Component Features

The JFCDataInput editing components are derived from the ProtoView editing class, and include all of the following common features:

  • Public methods for cut/copy/paste for clipboard operations.á
  • Columns property: preferred width measured in the number of characters.
  • MaxLength property: maximum number of characters to enter.
  • Length Action Event: this event is fired when the maximum length of the field is reached.
  • UseLocale property: automatically configure Currency, Date, Numeric and Time components to a particular locale.á
  • Increased support for non-English keyboards and International locale.
  • Increased performance with layouts.
  • Edit mode: insert/overwrite/allow to change (on/off).
  • Autoscroll: on/off.
  • Undo: last keyboard entry (even after focus was lost and got again).
  • Text change events: listener is invoked only if new text string is different from old one.
  • Action events: listener can be invoked on Enter, Escape keys, mouseDoubleClick events. ╖ Editable: on/off.
  • Text:
    • alignment: left/center/right.
    • case: off/upper/lower.
    • styles: normal/formatted/two LED styles
    • 3D effect: none/3D shadow/aureole
  • Selection:
    • get/set positions of start/end.
    • get selected text string.
    • on focus: old/none/whole text.
    • on first mouse click: kill selection/use selectionOnFocus.
    • painting: never/always/only while focus.
    • painting: invertedMode or use selectionBack/Foreground colors.
    • painting: automatic normal/italic depending on font.
  • Caret:
    • get/set position.
    • rate of blinking.
    • automatic normal/italic depending on font.
    • paintMode/invertedMode/hide.
    • vertical/horizontal/auto for insert/overwrite edit mode.
    • draw any custom caret image.
  • Background: flat/9 styles of odometer with any color by the PVOdometer.
  • UIManager: default border, font, all colors / customize any of them.
  • Colors:
    • foreground.
    • background.
    • client area background.
    • caret.
    • text3D.
    • shadow.
    • border.
    • selectionBackground.
    • selectionForegroundforeground for disabled state.
    • background for disabled state .
  • Border: default JFC/limitless styles of border by the PVBorder.
  • Shadow: none/4 positions and any width by the PVShadow.
  • AutoResize: off/on (important for formatted text styles).
  • Check focus: no focus/just recieved/focus longer than 100ms.
  • Keyboard:
    • set array of characters that are included/excluded from entry.
    • clipboard support
  • Alt+digits support.
  • Filter characters dynamically.
  • Support for PreferredSize.
The JFCDataInput Components On A Java Panel.


An input component that supports any currency symbol, strings, up to four decimal places, thousand separators (any character) as well as upper/lower limits.

  • Full Locale support.
  • ToLimit property: set the value to limit if it exceeds limits during keyboard entry.

Date Edit

With International language support. Can display the current month or be used as a date input that can display month or day first, show/hide year, show/hide century and has complete Year 2000 (Y2K) support.

  • Delta (increment/decrement time by number of seconds).
  • Image - images displayed on buttons.
  • Full Locale support.

Date Edit Long

The Date Edit Long enables developers to create date input and displays that use long month and day names. This component has International language support as well as complete Year 2000 (Y2K) support.

  • Image - images displayed on buttons.
  • Improved reading locale strings.

MaskEdit & Edit Text

Accepts a variety of input strings with these two components. The MaskEdit can create masked input fields for Social Security, phone, telephone, customer numbers etc...

Numeric Edit

Supports null values, thousand separators, range validation, decimal places, strings, upper/lower limits and e-power numbers.

  • Full Locale support.


Create data input fields with a "****" mask on text for input validation.

Static Text

Take advantage of the UI display features found in the JFCDataInput for labels and text boxes in Java applications.

Time Edit

With International language support, can be used to display the current time, as an input component or operate as a timer with start/stop functionality.

  • Delta (increment/decrement time by number of seconds).
  • Full Locale support.

Spin Buttons

This button can be attached to any JFCDataInput editing component. The Spin Buttons can use a "delta" value that will allow an incremental increase/decrease. (this "delta" value can also be used with any JFCDataInput with a keystroke command). The Spin Buttons also have the option to use Java Look and Feel (JLF) font/colors/borders for spin buttons and an attached object.

Image, Round & Square Button Controls

Three great components for creating smooth, sleek multi-push state ("explorer" style) buttons. Create Rounded, Image-enhanced or Square Java buttons that follow the JFC "Look & Feel."

  • CheckBox image support for several LookAndFeel styles.
  • FocusRectAroundText property: draws the focus rectangle around either the text or the entire button.
  • Text Alignment property.
  • Increased performance with layouts.
  • Support for new focus rectangle property found in the button component.
Visual Cafe' Compatible Built For IBM Visual Age Powered By Borland JBuilder


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User Stories & Reviews

JFCSuite, Winner of the 1999 Java Developer's Journal
Editor's Choice Award, "Best Bean."
- Java Developer's Journal, Award

JFCDataExplorer, Winner of the 1998 Java Developer's Journal
Editor's Choice Award, "Best Bean."
- Java Developer's Journal, Award

JFCDataExplorer, Winner of the 1999 Java Pro
Reader's Choice Award, "Best Visualization Tool"
-Java Pro, Award

"...a component library custom-designed for programmers 
who want to add a touch of professionalism and a lot of 
user-friendliness to their programs.
-Java Pro, Review

"...[JFCDataExplorer] is one of those rare components that is
attractive from a user interface and a component
model/language point of view. If you want a
practical example of the power of JFC, download a
fully functional evaluation copy from the
ProtoView Web Site (http://www.protoview.com/demos)."

- Java Pro, Review

Download An Evaluation Version Of This Product Purchase This Product Direct From ProtoView

Copyright ⌐ 1999 ProtoView Development Corporation. All rights reserved.
This page was last updated Thursday, February 24, 2000.